UNWND Boutique Hotel is a business name registered under UNWND FLASHTELS, INC.

We respect the privacy rights of our online visitors and recognize the importance of protecting the information collected about our clients. We follow a Privacy Policy that guides how we collect, store and use information that you provide us with.

UNWND Boutique Hotel may need to collect information from its clients when they place an order or subscribe to our newsletter. When clients register, clients consent to the collection of personal data. To allow us to process orders and other client requests, we will need information that will include name, email address, phone numbers, home address, shipping and credit/debit card billing address.

All details shared with UNWND Boutique Hotel shall be kept private by the company and will be used for the sole purpose of processing its clients’ orders and requests. In cases when we deem it important to authenticate identity, we may request for additional information. To guarantee secure and efficient delivery, we may, on occasion, request for a contact number so as to allow our couriers to get in touch with the recipients.

UNWND Boutique Hotel aims to provide clients with a safe shopping journey. We are firm in our stand against selling client information to third party marketing companies. Our company shall take extra caution in making sure that each credit card transaction made with UNWND Boutique Hotel is secure and that the use of credit cards is double checked prior to processing of orders.


Poblacion, Makati
5396 General Luna, Makati, Metro Manila


+632 995 634 7742

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UNWND Makati. All Rights Reserved.